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2021-2022 Public Policy Agenda

117th U.S. Congress

AAIDD and other national organizations that work for and with people with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities, have developed a shared approach, or agenda, that they use to help shape, expand, and protect a strong federal approach to vital benefits, services, and supports, and to assure the civil rights of our constituencies. 

The U.S. Congress drives the nation's disability agenda. While some of our shared policy priority areas may not be dealt with in this Congress, we will respond as appropriate, to all Congressional activity related to disability policy.

The agencies of the federal government play a vial role in supporting programs that provide services, supports, and benefits for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Millions of people with disabilities have had improved outcomes as a result of federally-funded services, supports, and benefits.

Nonetheless, most federal programs that support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families are grossly under-funded, leaving hundreds of thousands individuals under-served or continually waiting for services, and these numbers are continuing to grow.

The national partners who crafted this joint legislative agenda are:




Related Links

117th Congress Legislative Agenda - Full

117th Congress Legislative Agenda-Brochure (Pending)

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