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Emergency Conditions

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Emergency Conditions and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Whether due to natural disasters or political turmoil, disruptions of the social fabric and necessary supports are particularly challenging for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Under the best of circumstances, many are particularly vulnerable to environmental contaminants and disruptions in support, and lack access to basic and emergency medical care. The human condition is a fragile one; our successes are born out of collaboration and community. To the best of its ability, AAIDD will update this page with links related to information and action in emergency conditions.


American Red Cross
The Red Cross responds to approximately 70,000 disasters in the United States every year, providing food, shelter, and health services.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societie (IFRC)
The IFRC is the world’s largest humanitarian and development network, with millions of volunteers in 187 member National Societies that focus on ‘saving lives and changing minds’ in three areas: disaster response and recovery, development and  promoting social inclusion and peace.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides disaster related information, a mechanism to apply for assistance, and planning tools. provides information on federal assistance that may be available before, during, and after a disaster.This site provides access to information and applications from 17 government agencies, can reduce the number of forms to fill out and shorten the time it takes to apply for aid, and allows users to check the progress of applications online.

Global Partnership for Disability and Development (GPDD)
The GPDD was initiated by the World Bank to help increase awareness and progress in social accountability. It is an informal coordinating mechanism that brings together developing and developed country governments, bilateral and multilateral donors, UN agencies, national and international NGOs and DPOs and other stakeholders.

United States International Council on Disabilities (USICD) 
UCICD is a federation of US-based non-governmental organizations, federal agencies and individuals committed to advocacy and action on behalf of the global disability rights agenda. Because of its unique structure, USICD’s core strength is its membership. Through its vast network of disabled people’s organizations and other NGO stakeholders, government members and individual advocates, USICD has the advocacy reach to impact critical emerging issues both in the United States and internationally.

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