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SECP Opportunities

Call for Proposals: 2022 SECP Research Colloquium
Scheduled for Monday, June 13, 2022 at the AAIDD Annual Conference

The colloquium is jointly organized by the AAIDD Student and Early Career Professionals (SECP) Interest Network and AAIDD Research Interest Network (RIN)


  • Chung eun Lee, PhD, Chonnam National University
  • Rebecca Kammes, PhD, University of California Los Angeles
  • Jessica Kramer, PhD, University of Florida
  • Ariel Schwartz, PhD, MGH Institute of Health Professions


The purpose of the preconference research colloquium is to provide SECPs with an opportunity to present their research and network with leading intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) researchers and policymakers. Participants will have an opportunity to receive feedback on how to translate their work into meaningful research, policy, and practice.

SECPs are invited to submit a description of their research at the proposal stage or completed (see below) to present at the colloquium. Following each presentation, experts in the field from the Research Interest Network and the other colloquium presenters will engage in a brief open forum to answer questions and provide feedback about: the significance and innovation of the project, methodological rigor, and potential translation of findings for future research, policy, and practice related to individuals with IDD. Colloquium presenters can also identify specific questions or concepts for which they seek feedback. The colloquium will also address dissemination of scholarship in multiple venues (e.g., peer-reviewed journals, practitioner-based journals, blogs, etc.).

Learning Objectives

After attending this colloquium, student and early career professionals will:

  • Enhance the significance, innovation, and rigor of their research
  • Develop relationships with other students and early career professionals and experts conducting research related to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Practice developing and delivering research proposals, presentations, and other methods of dissemination to translate findings to future research, policy, and practice


Students and early career professionals are those 10 years or less since achieving a terminal degree. Individuals submitting proposals must be first author/principal investigator on the completed study or work in progress. You do not need to be a member of the AAIDD SECP Interest Network to submit to the research colloquium. Accepted participants must register for the AAIDD conference and this pre-conference workshop.

Proposal/Abstract Submission Guidelines

Only two types of abstracts may be submitted for review. Submissions must follow the templates below.

1. Research Abstract

These abstracts feature completed research. This means data collection and analysis are complete. Abstract section 1 through 4 follow the same guidelines as the AAIDD conference abstract submission guidelines, and will be evaluated on the same rubric. The five sections of the 700-word abstract are:

  1. Background & Purpose/Aims (150 words)
  2. Design (Methods: 250 words)
  3. Findings (100 words)
  4. Implications & Impact (100 words)
  5. Questions for Feedback: (100 words) List 1-3 questions for feedback. These questions may relate to methods, analysis, dissemination, and/or application to policy and practice.

Abstracts submitted to the AAIDD conference may also be submitted to the colloquium for focused discussion and feedback. However, colloquium submissions must be made separately using the attached form.

 2. Research Works in Progress

These abstracts feature a proposed or ongoing research project. Examples of proposed projects are a dissertation proposal or grant application. In ongoing research projects, the data collection and analysis are not yet complete. The five sections of the 700-word abstract are:

  1. Background & Purpose/Aims (150 words)
  2. Proposed Design & Methods (250 words) For studies under progress, describe current design and methods. For proposals, describe planned design and methods.
  3. Hypothesized Outcomes (100 words)
  1. Implications & Impact (100 words). Describe the intended impact of findings on future research, practice, and/or policy.
  2. Questions for Feedback: (100 words): List 1-3 questions for feedback. These questions may relate to methods, analysis, dissemination, and/or application to policy and practice.

Proposal/Abstract Submission

Submit proposals to Rebecca Kammes at with SECP/RIN Research Colloquium in the subject line.

Submission Deadline: December 3, 2021
Notification: February 11, 2022

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