AAIDD utilizes an annual strategic planning process that results in a brief statement of its goals, objectives, and planned strategies.
Approved by the Board of Directors 7/20/2021
1. Advance progressive policies, sound research, and effective practices that result in social justice and universal human rights with and through collaborations with other organizations.
2. Disseminate information on progressive policies, sound research, effective practices, and universal human rights.
3. Develop and support a diverse membership.
4. Maintain the organization’s robust operations.
AAIDD is committed to fostering diversity among its leaders and members. The AAIDD Board of Directors greatly values diverse perspectives and experiences. Examples of diversity include, but are not limited to, disability, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age, religion, geographical location, social or economic disadvantage, or other attributes/characteristics that may contribute to diverse perspectives.
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