Dignity and Belonging in a Digitally Connected World
Recording Date:N/A
Date: July 22, 2020
Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST
Dignity and Belonging in a Digitally Connected World
Jutta Treviranus, PhD, Ontario College of Art and Design University
The pandemic has significantly disrupted the “normal” state of our society. It has revealed the fault lines in our social systems and our conventional worldview. People with cognitive challenges have been among the most vulnerable to the negative consequences that also hurt our society as a whole. This disruption also presents an opportunity to change the collective mindset and find a more inclusive “normal”. This webinar will explore the opportunities presented to recalibrate our values, change our approaches to design, policy, education, work and how we build communities.
This is an AAIDD webinar.